Financial aid is available to families based on need and circumstances. Families must complete an annual online application to be considered to qualify for reduced tuition.

Holy Cross High School is partnered with Financial Aid Independent Review, Inc in order to provide qualifying families with tuition assistance.

Learn more about the FAIR Application and Instructions

Applicants for the Class of 2028

Financial aid applications are available online starting on October 1st, 2023. Families will need to enter the school code and password below.

Prospective students interested in financial assistance should register as soon as possible. There is limited financial aid available.

Our Financial Aid School Code is: 181
Our School Password is: hchs181

Families that have a completed FAIR application before December 1, 2023, will be notified if they have received a financial need grant if they are accepted in January

FAIR charges $30.00 to process an application.

Student Sponsor Partners

For over 30 years, Student Sponsor Partners (SSP) has helped low-income families take advantage of private high school education. SSP students are also partnered with a mentor for the duration of their high school education. Holy Cross is a proud SSP partner school and helps provide students the opportunity to actualize their academic potential. Families can learn more about this program at

SSP will begin the application process for the Class of 2028 later this Fall.

SSP is an external organization; prospective families that have applied for financial aid directly through Holy Cross need to apply separately to SSP.

Families interested in attending Holy Cross for 9th grade may apply for both SSP and financial aid, however, students attending Holy Cross as a member of SSP are not eligible for financial aid or any other awards granted by the school since they are already receiving a significant reduction of tuition.

An example on how our Tuition Assistance can help you:


Upon his passing to his eternal reward, Martin A. Lenehan ‘59, honored his alma mater by bequeathing $1,000,000 from his estate to Holy Cross. He had earlier created a fund in his name to provide students with tuition assistance. He requested that the new fund be named the

Martin A. Lenehan and Mary J. Lenehan Endowment
Each year the Holy Cross High School Committee on Financial Aid reviews the results of the applications made by students through FAIR. In order to support students who might not otherwise be able to benefit from a Holy Cross education, the committee provides many with financial aid. It is from the annual earnings of such funds as those created by Martin A. Lenehan ‘59 that tuition assistance grants and financial aid are provided.

Holy Cross is partnered with Financial Aid Independent Review, Inc. in order to provide qualifying families with tuition assistance.

Financial Aid School Code: 181
School Password: hchs181

Mr. Robert Botero
Vice President of Admissions

Phone: (718) 886-7250 ext.558
Text: (631) 392-8285

Mrs. Andrea Aloi
Director of Admissions

Phone: (718) 886-7250 ext.524
Text: (631) 600-3346

Holy Cross High School
26-20 Francis Lewis Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11358
Fax: (718) 886-7257
